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Radix 5 (Mulank 5), the persons who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of a month are called radix 5, what are the positive and negative aspect in this.

July 22, 2018

Radix 5

 Mulank 5, The persons who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of a month are called radix 5, the lord of the 5th mercury is Mercury and the cause of intellect is the planet because of this the intellectual level of people of this issue is found good, whether read Whether or not the 5-point illiterate person also understands that the educated ones can overcome the good of the good, the eclipse power of these people is amazing, learning and understanding anything fast Mercury is a rapidly moving planet. That is why people in the 5-point population are also found to be fasting. They have the ability to quickly eliminate any work, change the thoughts and actions rapidly, to the subtlety of a subject matter. It is special to know that these are the ones who are confused and associated with the technical; they are proficient in doing this. This is the reasons that in the subjects like Chartered Accountants, Doctor.

Think of how to earn wealth, especially on this point, for this, even if the ideals have to be abandoned, then these people do not flow, the agility is seen more and more, due to which it appears to be younger than the age because Mercury The young planet that has full impact on them, due to the excessive swiftness, the amount of laziness in the body is low; the speed of walking is intense, and in the work also
The person of 5 points likes humor and gossip so that these people are able to laugh at people in the hall of laughter, besides humor, they are also interested in singing and dance, especially women of 5 points are good singers and skilled Dancer is all depends on the upbringing of the house. They are fond of listening to music. Radio, tape recorder or music system is surely found at home. They also interested in writing.

Radix5, Astrologer, Numerology

The positive aspect
of the 5-digit is the intensity of their intellect, which is why it passes high-level education in life such as PhD, Commerce, Science and Engineering. The iron family of their intellectuals and all in the society regard them as good on legal issues. Holds Governmental Laws Full details of financial rules

The negative aspect of the 5 digit is that whenever the series of thoughts in the mind move in the brain, their brain revolves around things, and once they start thinking about something, then they get entangled in it.
Due to good memory, things also remember for a long time, which sometimes causes the problem. The thoughts of the mind sometimes disturb so much that it rages fiercely on other people, which is a strange situation Generate

 Trips - Fond of traveling, one likes to travel from one place to another

Teacher - If the quality of education is good, and never completes the education, then the main reason is that the circumstances of the house are selected for positions such as doctors and engineers.

Love affair - Without a love affair in life, people of 5 points can not live. Their attractive personality also draws other people on their side but their love can not be successful due to their self-interest. If they think that this relationship will not be beneficial in the future, then immediately change it.

Radix5, Astrologer, Numerology
Mulank 5

 Marriage - That child is a middle-level marriage life expectations of many types from a partner who do not have complete opposition, every 5 digit person does not behave because the Buddha encourages the child to maintain balanced child happiness Good children are very aware of children and take care of everything they have.

 Employment - Job and business are successful in almost every work, they are skilled in making connections with people, they are successful in assessing every situation correctly. Work area which is beneficial for them, economists, bank managers, lawyers, accountants, auditors, Teacher, manager, astrologer illness, it is often stressed due to the over emphasis on the brain, which causes problems like high blood pressure, which will lead to further problems.

Measures - They need to be cautious between November and December, because there is a possibility of disruption in the work. If the problem is high, then put the whole mung beans on Wednesday. The words of these things go unheeded by many people's heart. To reduce the teeth, clean it with alum and consuming carrots is beneficial for them.

Astrologer Rita Chaturvedi

Radix 5 (Mulank 5), the persons who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of a month are called radix 5, what are the positive and negative aspect in this. Radix 5 (Mulank 5), the persons who are born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of a month are called radix 5, what are the positive and negative aspect in this. Reviewed by Unknown on July 22, 2018 Rating: 5

Radix4 (Mulank 4), the persons born on the 4th, 13th, 22th, or the 31st of a month are called radix 4; the owner of 4 points is Rahu. This is the reason why life is rising.

July 22, 2018

Radix 4

Mulank 4, The persons born on the 4th, 13th, 22th, or the 31st of a month are called radix 4; the owner of 4 points is Rahu. Rahu is a planet that treats in an unexpected way, with its effect 4 points of people Incidentally, events occur in life, which are not predictable before, related relatives, relatives and relatives wonder how this happened. This is the reason why life is rising.

Rahu is such a planet that everything should be big, that is, the people of 4 points, whatever they want in life, should be grand and attractive. Even if they do this job, they do big business too; the work done by them is surprising for the people. Because of this nature, people of 4 points are seen different from other people. Their lives are like ordinary people, nature gives them a lot but at the same time also reduces the deficiency of something that reduces the person's life throughout life.
 People of 4 points are punctual for the time of school or college and whether the office chooses to reach the right time, they also do their work with integrity and honesty. Such people are of diligent nature and do not like laziness Rahu in continuous life Inspires to move forward. It is an introvert trend; the number of friends is often low and cannot easily be mixed in people which do not have much space for people outside

The negative aspect of the people of the 4 digit is their fanatic. Many times they get so caught up on their point that they do not have to consult anybody, they have to believe that whatever decision has been made is correct, that is why this was done by them. Decisions are proved wrong sometimes due to which loss of life has to be done.

Their positive aspects are their will, which is quite strong, due to which it is easy to do this difficult task, because hard work and time constraints are a great help in achieving these successes. They like to live alone. But they get popularity in life; they become great revolutionaries, politicians and scientists. Their main attributes are to move people away from people. Perhaps this is the reason that the work done by them creates a revolution in the society, they do not believe in the ancient beliefs, before accepting anything, they must analyze the analysis on the basis of excesses. 4 points of women also have their fields In the first place, they keep the information of the whole house, even when they are young, and they provide sustenance for their responsibilities. I am so busy in my mind that I do not even care about my health
Radix4, Astrologer, Numerologer

Education - It is fast to read, but sometimes for some special reasons if the mind goes out of education, it cannot complete the education, whose mind is studied, reach the desired destination in life because the will is strong enough

 Love affair - If there is success in love relationships, then they are successful in expressing love, but there is a possibility of deceit in love relations with some 4-point people. These people do not know much about worldly life; it does not have anything special in family life, it respects the life partner, but for some reason the situation of unrest in the family continues to arise
Travels - Not interested in travel, do not like to change from place to place, but if traveling in relation to work or business, seriously discharge duty

Employment - These people do jobs or business, they have some problem, it takes time to make them co-ordinate with people. People adopt misunderstandings in these matters. At times, there is a situation of dispute in the workplace and the situation is controlled by them. When they get angry, they cannot control themselves, because of which their behavior sometimes leads to the limits of dignity, control over anger is very important for them, their financial condition remains good in life because they do not give much importance to money, so they cannot even tell them to run behind the money, maybe God also graces them, that every time their needs are met, If the economic situation is good then do not refrain from buying expensive things from expensive but if there is a problem of money, they are satisfied in any situation.
Radix4, Astrologer, Numerology

Diseases - These are not directly related to the disease that the doctor sees and treats them, they have strange kinds of diseases which doctors fail in the treatment of when these diseases are cured of their own. The things that take place on your body, which suddenly get sick, they have a problem of mental stress, sometimes it does not harmonize with the people around them. Finding which tend to get stressed are diseases which are often used in eye disease, high blood pressure, poor digestion, problems in kidneys, deficiency of blood, epilepsy, insomnia. They should control food to keep health healthy and use fruit and vegetables.

Take special caution in the middle of the month of July to August Avoid wearing blue color. If there is no problem in life, then a black dog cannot understand its problems.

Astrologer Rita Chaturvedi

Radix4 (Mulank 4), the persons born on the 4th, 13th, 22th, or the 31st of a month are called radix 4; the owner of 4 points is Rahu. This is the reason why life is rising. Radix4 (Mulank 4), the persons born on the 4th, 13th, 22th, or the 31st of a month are called radix 4; the owner of 4 points is Rahu. This is the reason why life is rising. Reviewed by Unknown on July 22, 2018 Rating: 5

Radix 3 (Mulank3), those born on 3, 12, 21, or 30th births are called radix 3 which is the effect of the master planet on the people of 3 points. To know more about how they are and how’s its life…

July 22, 2018

                                                Radix 3

Mulank 3, those born on 3, 12, 21, or 30th births is called radix 3 which is the effect of the master planet on the people of 3 points. The reason for the master's knowledge is that the reason for these 3 points is that people have very wise practical points of life. How to do some work in this, people know how to get rid of any work

Because of the high levels of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, there is always the desire to lead people in life and continue to live in it, even though 3-point people keep a good attitude in their family and society. If there are so many merits as well as one or two weaknesses, then it is difficult to see the person in front of them if they are never in the life

3-point women are of much religious nature, they worship the house only, while respecting and respecting the big people of the house, women also run efficiently whether they earn a living in the house or not It saves money by imposing curbs on some type of expenses, with the inward state of the house fulfilling all the important necessities of life, vehicles etc. all are well enough.

Radix3, Astrooger, Numerologer

Education - With good influence of Guru, we get very good education if we reduce studies, even if we are interested in reading, we will be able to achieve higher education such as Doctor, CA Professors, etc. If we talk about old people, we will find that they have a lot of interest in education related to religion, But because of having 3 marks, religious rituals kept knowledge of art well.

Love affair - Love in life there is no hard work for those who have 3 points. It is a matter of great pleasure that they love it, they are successful in it too I have seen many people of 3 points of love marrying them as well Happy marriage life is also okay. Children get happiness full of happiness. A son is born of a child. The practical approach of looking at his life and his life;

Trips - They are very fond of voyages, especially religious travel, make travel events from time to time and travel with the whole plan, but also control the expenses, never forget the importance of money

Level of living - Due to the desire to play an important role in the society, they take special care of their lives. They use expensive items. Women always use expensive jewelry to wear expensive costumes. There are no festivals in the family, so do not stay behind in spending money
Radix3, Astrologer, Numerologer

Employment - Education is getting a good level due to the good level of government jobs. They are interested in creating career in the field of education. After the PhD, they prefer to work as a professor, they do business, and then they also get success. The people of the rank are also associated with high officials, secretaries, doctors, bank officials, astrologers, academicians, writers, teachers and importers.

Health - People of 3 points are careless on behalf of health, prefer more sweet and more tasty food, due to which abdominal related illnesses become addicted to Piles, if they take care of health, their age is good because life force is good There are also cases where the disease is cured, 3-point women are prone to uterine diseases, eye disorders, health-related diseases.

Measures - People of 3 points should be careful in May and June of the year, because there is a possibility of getting involved in the work if they have any special problem, keep this fast for Thursday to fulfill their desire, then success in the work Feeding the bread to the cow is also beneficial for them, they should always have a yellow napkin.

Astrologer Rita Chaturvedi

Radix 3 (Mulank3), those born on 3, 12, 21, or 30th births are called radix 3 which is the effect of the master planet on the people of 3 points. To know more about how they are and how’s its life… Radix 3 (Mulank3), those born on 3, 12, 21, or 30th births are called radix 3 which is the effect of the master planet on the people of 3 points. To know more about how they are and how’s its life… Reviewed by Unknown on July 22, 2018 Rating: 5

Mulank 2 .. The persons who are born on any of 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month find proper answer about question like job, career, love, family etc.

July 19, 2018

               Radix 2                                                         Mulank 2

The persons who are born on any of 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month have their radix 2, 2 points represent the Moon, just as there is lack of stability in the Moon, in the same way as the lives of 2 points There are considerable ups and downs, as the art of moon decreases, in the same way, there are continuous changes in the lives of 2 points, sometimes the Moon of the full moon, sometimes Amavasya A moon of Aya Similarly, the root of a 2-digit caste is also very pleased, anxious and caffe

Moon is the cause of emotions and wishes. In the same way, the person of 2 points is not even more powerful and fragrant but their personality is attracted, face is rounded. On the same day, there is a slight variation on the teeth. With aging, weight increases.

The person of 2 marks is the greatest virtue of emotions and imagination. His imagination is so intense that it is hard to get a hold of it. Perhaps this is the reason that the people of 2 points are more successful in the field of literature and art. In the field of acting, these people also go to new heights, the country's leading film stars Dilip Kumar, Rajesh Khanna, Amitabh Bachchan and Shab

The biggest drawback of 2 points is the continuous change in the work. These people do not like continuing to do the same work. They love adventures in the new work in life, therefore, tasks that go on for a long period of time. To do them, 2-point persons are not suitable enough for them to work together in one place.

Their vodak power is excellent, therefore, such things are necessary for the finer and subtlety of the people of 2 points, they understand well, if they feel in studying, then no one can stop them from becoming a doctor or engineer. Jatak has a good understanding of psychology  It is good to read people's feelings, but many times their nature has been seen to be a bit skeptical, especially in the situation when it becomes a victim of misunderstanding, thereby reducing the confidence of the people

People of 2 points tend to be very delicate gentle in mind, what is the matter of someone who hurt their heart. It is not easy to know that as soon as the anger comes, the sooner it gets worse it does not like the loss of money. Giving money to invest money
Radix2, Astrology, Numerology

Education - Two types of situations are seen in education: If interested in education, then good marks in life, such as doctors, engineers and advocates arrive at such positions, if not interested, if interested in art and acting, then success will definitely Because the emotion and tenderness of their minds allow them to continue in the field of art. Taking one of these places also obstructs education.

Travel - Fond of Traveling

Love affair, marriage and children - In 2-point people, the intensity of emotion is more and more, due to which there is no difficulty in making love relations in life, but love relations can not be sustained. Their own nature is also accountable to a great extent. Life is happy after the first child is the daughter. Many times only girls are born, women of 2 points run home and make them beautiful and organized
RAdix2, Astrology, Numerology

Employment - There is no leadership capacity in them; therefore, they do not get much success in living alone in any major task. If they do any business, they have the benefit of doing it with someone, they are successful in getting jobs. It would have been better to deal with peers The key people of the work that can benefit them is Agriculture, Dairy, Purchase of Medicines, Department of Bank and Health, Doctor, Professor, Radio TV Artist, Chemist, Teacher

Disease - Physical strength is a little weak because there is a slight frightening nature, so even if it is not always sick, it is a disadvantage that I am sick of the major diseases that occur due to bad digestion, acidity and gas in the stomach, In respiratory diseases such as asthma, the body is more effective in water due to lung disease

RAdix2, Astrology, Numerology

Measures - There is more chance of any type of infection in the body because thinking habit is more and more often due to mental stress. Remedies avoid taking milk at night If you drink something then drink If you have to face more problems in life then start with the Shukla party and keep a fast on Monday and offer a bowl of kheer in the temple of Shiva if you fight a fight. If there is a situation of tension in the mind, then if there is any more situation, then fix it properly, before sleeping at night, sleep by putting water in a new vessel under the bed of your bed. She wakes up in the morning and gives it to some tree. You can also pour water in other Gumlas except the Tulsi pot which does not fall on it.

Astrologer Rita Chaturvedi

Mulank 2 .. The persons who are born on any of 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month find proper answer about question like job, career, love, family etc. Mulank 2 .. The persons who are born on any of 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month find proper answer about question like job, career, love, family etc. Reviewed by Unknown on July 19, 2018 Rating: 5

Radix 1 Those born on any of the 1st, 10th, 19th, Or 28th of month, Get proper Astrology Solution

July 19, 2018

 Radix 1 ( Mulank 1 )

Those born on any of the 1st, 10th, 19th, Or 28th of any month, their radix 1 is the sun lord of the number 1 Sun is considered to be the cause of the soul, hence 1 figure people have greater self power

The people of 1 point are of stubbornness, they have their soul power in one way if they want to do some work and someone should tell them that this work cannot be done by you, such people put their lives in life. Do that work

The sun makes them strong with their fanaticism, if they set this goal, one day they get one day to get it, they do not care much about their happiness.

 The negative aspect of their personality is their anger these people raise anger in a way, so once the anger is not easily come down

The birth of a person in a family is usually born in a large family, often in the house between the brothers and sisters, often happens when a person of 1 digit is not the largest in the house, even though he takes over the responsibility of the whole house His opinion on every important topic of the house is taken. The attention of every member of the house is like a father, in order to adapt his younger sibling’s life,

It starts earning money only at the age of 19 to 20 years, when the responsibility of the family comes, sometimes obstacles arise in education, but because the tunes are fixed, therefore, they also complete their education as soon as possible.

Mulank1, Radix1, Astrology, Numerology
Mulank 1

Love affair - Love does not get much success in relationships; Because of being a Sun Purush, you do not like to kneel in front of your boyfriend or girlfriend, where they get hurt, it immediately breaks the relationship, even if it is for making a relationship. How many attempts have been made in the past, his personality is such that many misunderstandings about his personality also increases.

 Job - 1-point people are more successful in the job; they get more government jobs, so that they build their work well. In their work, Yogita's iron is considered to be so much magical in the work that Many times, unable to discharge family duties properly, there is bitterness in relationships with the spouse

 Marriage - Marriage often happens at a young age, child happiness is best, a son must
Travel - Very fond of travel many times travel is due to personal reasons or traveling in connection with any other work, do not like being in a place, they are more attracted to the outside world

Up gradation and success - just as the Sun reaches the maximum height once in a day, it seems like a high jump in life once a day. People know them by name and action; they have a change in the society. Live life of glare, maybe it deserves it because there is a lot of conflict life in the early years of life.

Balanced personality - One of the most important qualities of people of 1 point, which separates them from people of the other issue, they make a balance of work and entertainment in life, due to which it does not get you much nervous, where on one side While on the other side, keep an eye on excursions and entertainment and hobbies.

Friendships - Their friendship is higher with those of 2, 4, and 7 points, but the extent of friendship depends also on the fact that friends always put forward their point of view that people who interrupt their talk, such people It does not like it. Overall, there is a personality similar to the king, which sometimes likes their flattery which sometimes proves to be harmful to them.

 Health - 1 points Most people who hear accidents of heart related diseases such as hypertension, eye disease, lower age, hear less in ear, if there are accidents in the life, then the foot injury seems like health is largely due to their injury to bone. Because the strength is high, they are between 70 and 80

Radix1, Astrology
Mulank 1

Measures - Consuming saffron is beneficial for them if they are obstructed in their work, if they are obstructing the growth of the business or the job, then feed the jaggery to the monkeys, feeding jaggery on the cow becomes beneficial on Sunday, if more pain If so, carry your work in the water running in equal quantity of jaggery and wheat

Between 20 January and 21st of February be careful not to think of any new work can be interrupted

The time from July to August gives them the best results. At this time new work can be considered.
Take care of health in October, November and December

 Astrologer Rita Chaturvedi

Mulank1, Radix1, Astrology, Numerology

Radix 1 Those born on any of the 1st, 10th, 19th, Or 28th of month, Get proper Astrology Solution  Radix 1  Those born on any of the 1st, 10th, 19th, Or 28th of month, Get proper Astrology  Solution Reviewed by Unknown on July 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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